Study visit of IADK staff for professional capacity building
Slovenian institutions such as the Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry as well as the Public Agricultural Advisory Services of Slovenia, have helped in organizing the IADK study visit to Slovenia.
The Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia is the umbrella organization of interests of farmers and agricultural businesses in Slovenia dealing with agriculture, forestry and fishing. This umbrella has eight institutes with more than 300 professional advisors covering the entire area of Slovenia. During the visits, the staff of IADK was closely informed about the operation process of the agricultural advisory service of Slovenia.
The study visits were carried out to different farmers in the sectors of agriculture, animal husbandry, fish farming, experimental greenhouses, organic and biodynamic agriculture, agrotourism as well as the organic cultivation of aronia orchards.
IADK thanks the partners and organizers Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry for hospitality, organization and companionship during the visit, as well as the willingness to share their experiences which can be applied to farmers and food producers in Kosovo.
The activity is supported within the project " Improving employment and income generation opportunities in rural areas of Kosovo", supported by the donor BfdW from Germany.