IADK participates in "VET Summit 23"
IADK participates in "VET Summit 23 - Vocational Education and Training (VET) Summit in Kosovo. This important summit is organized by the Kosovo Producers Club and is focused on the future of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in the country.
The event takes place on June 13 and 14 in Klan Arena, Prishtina. Samiti Vet 23 addresses the challenges and opportunities of education and professional training in Kosovo, targeting young people and their training for the coherent labor market in the fields of:
- ICT,
- Food processing,
- Wood processing.
In the opening ceremony of this summit you were joined by the Mayor of Pristina Mr. Pëparim Rama, the ambassador of Switzerland in Kosovo Mr. Thomas Kolly, the ambassador of Germany in Kosovo Mr. Joern Rohde and the leader of the team for workforce development in the USAID office for economic growth Mr. Matt Culinnane. In the introductory speech, the importance of education and professional training in the development of our country and the strong cooperation between the central level, the approach of professional training centers as and for promoting excellence among our nations. In this event,
IADK had the opportunity to present the activity within accredited fields and validated programs for professional education and training.